Daemon Dynamics is a platform for automated services, that we call Daemons. A daemon generally takes some data, does its thing and generate a result. Daemons can be run a one shot or continuously.
A simple example of a one shot Daemon is removing duplicates from a list of email addresses. The user uploads an addresses list, runs an appropriate Daemon instance and downloads the result.
An example of continuous Daemons is monitoring. A monitoring Daemon doesn't usually need any uploaded data, but just some property settings. As all Daemons, it generates a live log, and a result that can be viewed directly or downloaded for further analyses. The result can also be fed into another daemon that does the analyses.
Daemon Dynamics offer a number of off-the-rack Daemons as well as custom Daemons.
Daemon Dynamics is developed and hosted by Sparkney. Sparkney has been developing a wide range of automation software and services since 2000.